Friday, October 31, 2014

Weak President Strong Government: What Would the Founding Father's Think?

Our nation during the last few years under the Obama Administration has gone through a dramatic change.  Not a change for the better, quite the opposite a change for the worst.  This administration has become more like a dictatorship than a presidency.  Our founding fathers built this country on principles of moral leadership.  They were men of integrity that had high ideals, and stood by them even when it was not popular to do so.  That is what constitutes a great leader.  I do believe that our nation still has the potential to stand as a beacon to the world, and a leader among other nations.  However under the present administration that station is at great risk.

Ever since the Obama Administration has taken office it seems that our country has taken a step down.  Our nation's security is in question.  Our military force has been hard hit not just by the implications of war but by our own Commander in Chief through military cuts and not to mention the V.A.'s failure to meet veteran's needs.  The Border Crisis is another impending challenge that doesn't seem to end.  This is a very important issue that if left unresolved leaves a negative impression on other countries about us.  The health care reform which was poorly carried out seems more like a punishment than a benefit.  It only benefits a few people, and inflicts pain on the rest.

Our nation has become a nation of entitlement.  For example the Presidents idea of the redistribution of wealth is just appalling.  People work hard in this country to get where they are.  They should not be punished for becoming self reliant and self sufficient.  Instead of the President promoting self reliance he is promoting the belief of entitlement.  Work is an essential component in this life to obtain one's needs, and to build self confidence.  There is no greater feeling than that of accomplishing ones goals.  Giving handouts to those who are able to work and provide for themselves limits their potential growth.  There is no benefit to that unless you are enabling them to get out of the situation.

Our nation is a great nation because of the Constitution on which it stands and the freedoms that we fight heavily to protect.  There is no need to uproot it or change it.  The duty of our President is to sustain that document and predecessors who wrote it.

Friday, October 17, 2014


In an article titled, "Obama: Bordering on Disaster" Hugh Hewitt poses the argument that Obama's open border crisis is putting America in danger.  The author opens his argument by referencing the Westphalian Sovereignty, the concept that all nation stets have sovereignty over their territory without any interference by neighboring states, and that each would respect each other's borders.  But due to globalization and economic strains this concept has become challenged.

His reason for doing this was to compare the security of the borders to what now currently exists.  He stated that open borders were a threat to states by facilitating political upheaval, economic chaos etc.. He argues that Obama's strategies to not secure borders and not respect other's shows both his incompetence and his weakness as a leader.  I agree.  I feel that instead of standing up to protect America's interest as a standard to the world he is doing everything to make it as equal as other nations.  You can't just leave your borders open to any and everyone.  Obama does not show face. There has to be a standard.  There have to be boundaries that you don't cross as a leader.  Other countries need to see that in him.  It manifests powerful leadership.

He goes on to support his argument by outlining three major border conflicts that clearly illustrate Obama's incompetence.  The first crisis was the fall of Ukraine in 2013.  Through the weak leadership displayed Putin was able to go in and overtake Ukraine.  If President Obama showed face and stood up to him Putin probably wouldn't have done what he did.  Instead we appeared weak and apathetic to our allies.  Who is going to look out for them.  Obama took forces out of Europe and Europe looked to us as protection from their adversaries.  He goes on to mention the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and how the President boasted about ending the "dumb war".  The situation became worse than before.  And last but not least he mentions the issue of opening up our borders to illegal immigrants. There is danger to doing this.  It makes America appear weak, again there's no standard.

I agree with this author, our President would rather act out of ignorance rather than make conscious decisions based on principle and good old moral leadership.  His actions not only make him appear weak it becomes a direct reflection on America as a whole.

Ebola The Mass Media and You

The world is afraid, very afraid of the Ebola virus.  But what has transpired to make this disease become the most feared tormentor of the human mind?  In a recent article titled, "Calm down about Ebola already", the author offers a great antidote to that question.  Ebola is a highly contagious and  deadly disease.  Even the image of it makes one's skin crawl.  I liked how the author began her column by stating what the disease was and the imminent threat that it could become to the U.S., but she also clarified the fact that this disease could only be spread through the contact of bodily fluids, and the fact that the disease could be easily contained.  She attempted to calm the fears of Americans.
But she also identified the chief contributors to the mass hysteria that has sprung up in the U.S. because of this disease.

The media's job is to inform the public about issues that the general populace should be concerned about.  However in this case the media has done nothing but caused panic and mass hysteria.  The media sources that you and I trust to inform us have been feeding our minds with fear of the disease by showing images of its effects.  For example in the article the author mentioned that CNN ran the absurd headline "Ebola: The ISIS of Biological Agents?".  Another writer speculated that the disease would "run rampart through the country".  I've seen nearly everyday an ugly image of the disease on a slide, it looks like a worm swimming in blood.  Its no wonder that we are panicking about this disease.  To make matters worse the news has been bringing political figures into the debate, speculating who is to blame for the disease being in the U.S.  Keep it simple all we need is to be informed.  The media has us focused on fear.  They seem to have forgotten the success of the American that overcame the disease and is now home with his family.  They should be instilling hope and they should be focused on what we are doing well.

Furthermore these political figures are also feeding the fire.  I disagree with author's argument that the  Republicans are using the panic of this disease as a way to score political points.  The fact of the matter is the public needs to be informed of what is going on.  Some one has to decide what to do about it in case there was an outbreak.  I think that they are making an attempt to get Washington's attention to take countermeasures.  These political figures have great power and influence on the public mind instead of debating publicly about the issue they could use that political influence to state the fact that here in the U.S. we have the advantage to fight this disease.

I have to admit that this disease scares me somewhat too, but I have to agree with the author, "Fear-mongering about Ebola is an easy way to get ratings or score political points, all without having to talk about---much less do anything about---real problems that are facing this country".  Instead of  generating fear in the public mind why not focus on the issues that matter most.